Image Rendering
In Dec 2019, I was the Lead Inventor on a provisional patent for the rendering algorithms and systems we developed. The patent application was paid for and co-sponsored by USC Stevens Center for Innovation.
I initiated and led a team project to create a platform for viewing, annotating, and sharing, microscope- and medical-images using the Unity Game Engine
Whole Cell Modeling

From an organizational standpoint, I helped establish and build the Pancreatic Beta Cell Consortium from an initial idea to what is now a collaboration involving 15+ Universities. I also performed experiments using mass-spec proteomics, x-ray tomography, and fluorescent imaging to contribute to the consortium's beta cell modeling efforts.
I led and participated in research projects at USC, The Scripps Research Institute, and the University of California San Francisco to collect and integrate data from several experimental modalities to generate structural models of biological cells
Point Cloud Rendering in the Unity Game Engine for multiple applications
(in preparation)
Opportunities and Challenges in
Building a Spatiotemporal Multi-Scale
Model of the Human Pancreatic Beta Cell
Cell, 2018

Determination of the Melanocortin-4 Receptor Structure Identifies Ca2+ as a Cofactor for Ligand Binding
Science, 2020 (in review)

Allosteric Coupling of Drug Binding and Intracellular Signaling in the A2A Adenosine Receptor
Cell, 2018

Point Cloud Rendering in the Unity Game Engine for Multiple Applications
(in preparation)